Eyes Vision

Steps In Lasik Surgery To Obtain Better Vision

Many people with eye problems believe there is no way to permanently correct their vision. They believe they are sentenced to the constant day-to-day hassle of adjusting contact lenses and keeping up with their best pair of glasses. However, Lasik surgery can relieve and correct many eye patients’ symptoms. There are only a few steps in the surgical process to obtain better vision.

The first is a consultation with the surgeon. During the consultation, an extensive eye examination will occur. This examination will allow the surgeon to see all of the malformations in the eye around the corneal region. This is what will allow the doctor to determine whether or not the patient is a valid candidate for surgery. If he or she decides in the patient’s favor, an eye map, which is basically the same as a game plan, will be made. In this, the surgeon will take note of the malformations that were observed and will decide the best way to reshape the cornea. This plan will be put into practice when the patient comes back in for the procedure.

Next is the procedure itself. While some people may be extremely apprehensive about their Lasik surgery, there is nothing to worry about. Some type of medication will be given to help extremely wary patients relax a little bit. Once on the table, eye drops will be given to numb the eyes so no discomfort is present during the operation. Something will be used to keep the eye open for the duration of the procedure. A small incision will be made above the cornea to create a flap of skin. The flap will then be peeled back slightly to expose the cornea. Once access is gained, the eye map the doctor made during the consultation will guide the laser on how to reshape the cornea. Once that is done, the flap is put back in place. This is a natural way to help protect the area that was treated. The procedure itself usually does not last longer than five minutes. If both eyes are being treated on the same day, however, it may take up to ten (which still isn’t a long time whenever someone thinks of how long they spent adjusting their contacts every morning).

Post-operative instructions will be given to the patient, and he or she will also be given a few prescriptions (usually medicated eyedrops, antibiotics, and possibly something for pain and discomfort). The patient will be unable to drive home, so other arrangements will have to be made. It is important to rest for the rest of the day. While it is possible to return to work the next day, most doctors will advise against it, as the eyes are still not healed yet. Most recommend at least a couple days of rest and no strenuous physical activity for at least a week.

Lasik surgery is not as complicated as many people think. While there may be a few days of discomfort afterwards, the newfound freedom that many people experience is well worth it.