Ketchup is a delicious condiment mixture of vinegar, sweeteners, flavorings, salts, spices, and tomatoes that is low in calories. Each tablespoon of ketchup contains 15 calories and Vitamin A and C. Compared to mayonnaise, ketchup has no fat and very low calories making it a healthier option.
Ketch can go with any kind of diet, from French fries, ice cream, cake, scrambled potatoes, eggs, rice, and bread. The list is endless. Some of these ways aren’t healthy at all. For example, eating French fries, cake, or bread with ketchup isn’t healthy, although delicious.
In this era of processed food, we must deliberately and intentionally learn how to eat healthily. This will help empower your body system to fight disease and maintain the correct weight needed for optimum functioning.
In this article, you will find out some of the healthy things you can eat with delicious and nutritious ketchup.
10 Healthy Things to Eat with Ketchup
Ketchup is a very versatile food ingredient. Here are some of the healthy things to eat with ketchup.
1. Avocado
Avocado is a fiber-rich fruit rich in vitamin C, E, B6, folate, magnesium, potassium, and healthy fats. Avocado and ketchup are one of the best fruit servings combinations. Both avocado and tomatoes are fruits, and the nutritional benefit the combination produces in your body is simply incredible.
2. Eggs
Buzzfeed stated that 62% of individuals eat their eggs with ketchup. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and vitamins, and they complement the ripe tomatoes toppings in the ketchup. You can enjoy your ketchup with boiled eggs or scrambled eggs.
3. Barbecue
Barbecue is one of the best ways to lower your fat consumption while increasing the flavor of your meat or fish. Add ketchup to your barbecue diet, whether meat, fish, or sauce, to make it extra flavor and healthy. A barbecue fish with ketchup is simply yummy! You can give it a try at home today.
4. All potato derivatives
All potato derivatives, whether chips scrambled, or cooked, go perfectly with ketchup. This goes for all potato types, whether the regular or sweet potato. For a healthier option, you can go with sweet potatoes. They are an excellent source of vitamin A and antioxidants. The potatoes’ sweet flavor adds to the combo’s flavoring, which is simply amazing.
5. Rice
Rice is a regular source of carbohydrates and one of the most consumed diets. Ketchup helps make your rice more delicious by adding to its blandness of rice. Also, if you use salad in your rice, you can top the salad or vegetables with ketchup for a creamier and healthy taste.
6. Shrimp
Shrimp is rich in protein, various vitamins, and minerals, and a great way to have an excellent diet is to have some ketchup as toppings on fresh shrimp. The fresh shrimp’s well-balanced flavor adds to the meal combo’s deliciousness.
7. Grilled cheese
Instead of using a bowl of tomato soup to serve your grilled cheese, you can opt for cool ketchup. This helps to give you the perfect taste of cheese, bread, and tomato. This is simply one of the best diets to be eaten on a family picnic by the beach while relaxing in nature.
8. Vegetables
Are you aware that you can mix vegetables and ketchup? Yes, you can, and it goes excellently. This goes especially for carrots. A blend of vegetables with carrots and ketchup is a healthy recipe for kids and adults. You can check out some of the healthiest vegetables to eat daily.
9. Beef (meatloaf or minced Beef)
Ketchup is an excellent way to enjoy better the savory taste of beef. A simple Minced beef diet with ketchup can serve as a romantic dinner for your spouse or a lover. Why don’t you give it a try?
10. Popcorn

Image: Crafty Little Gnome
Another healthy food you can eat with ketchup is popcorn.
When popcorn has been air-popped and lightly seasoned, it can be an incredibly healthy snack. Popcorn is a whole grain, and high-fiber whole grains have been associated with reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems.
Popcorn and ketchup can also make for an excellent combo. Just imagine the delicious, ripe tomato taste flavor of the ketchup complementing the perfect popcorn kernel.
Ketchup is a sweet and tangy condiment that we have constantly eaten with recipes that aren’t really healthy. However, we should always endeavor to eat it alongside healthier foods to achieve excellent health. You should try some of the above healthy things to eat with ketchup in your next meal.