Spa and Wellness

Hospital Wellness Programs Focus on Overall Health

Hospital wellness programs offer a variety of services. This article explains the services commonly offered at local health facilities, and potential health benefits you might see from using these offered services.

Cardiovascular Equipment

Equipment like treadmills, stationary bikes, elliptical machines, rowing machines, and stair climbers can be found in hospital run wellness centers. These machines are used for aerobic exercise, which is known to facilitate weight loss, promote weight management, strengthen your heart, and maintain healthy arteries.

Strength Training Equipment

Free weights and other strength training equipment are another component of a great wellness programs. Lifting weights is an important component of an exercise program for both men and women. When done correctly, weight lifting will create strong bones, promote weight loss and weight management, improve chronic conditions, and alleviate certain joint pain.

Personal Training

While you might love all the potential health benefits mentioned above, it can be intimidating when starting a new exercise program or trying out a new facility. That’s where knowledgeable and professional staff can help. Most wellness centers keep personal trainers on staff to work one on one with you to ensure that you’re following a program that will work for you. They are able to show you how to use the equipment, make sure you’re using it properly, and answer any questions you might have along the way.

Nutrition Staff

Another important factor to any wellness program is a good diet. Hospital nutrition staff is a group of highly educated professionals at your disposal. In discussion of your dietary needs, they are equipped to make knowledgeable suggestions to aid you in living the healthiest lifestyle possible. A good diet can manage diseases like diabetes, and research has shown that it can reduce risks for many of life-threatening illness.

Massage Staff

Massage is not only a relaxing experience; it can be good for your health as well. Studies have shown it can reduce stress, pain, and muscle tension. People suffering from conditions such as arthritis or chronic headaches, diseases like fibromyalgia, and disorders like anxiety have seen relief in their symptoms due to massage therapy. Massage is a great compliment to any well-rounded wellness program, and can be a great treat for all your hard work at the gym!

Managing your health is important, and proactive hospital-run wellness programs can be instrumental in helping you build a healthy body to withstand the years to come.